
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

O mothers are careful! Why are you making the children patient of sugar?

Ubqari Magazine - March 2017


Mothers put spoons filled with sugar in feeder, although there is no need of extra sugar. The sugar which is added is extra calories which the child cannot burn. If the child takes feeder 6 times in a day so he takes 6 to 12 spoons extra sugar.

These days in Pakistan, there are much increase coming in amount of sugar patients. Newly born, toddlers, younger’s, adults also old people all are involved in it. In Pakistan the ratio of it is very much as compare to other countries. What is the reason of it? In it there is complete mistake of parents. Who are making their children the sugar patients in their ignorance, neglecting their physical fitness and for temporarily happiness of children by making them eat sugar (sweet things, sugar etc) After birth, the mind of child and physical body is weak and sensitive. It is the command of Allah that the mother should give her milk or of any other woman even to son till 2 ½ years and to daughter till 2 years. The reason is this that the human milk is for human needs and animal milk is for their children. For the human child, the milk of his mother is the best food which any laboratory of world cannot make. Along with it, from the mother’s milk, the child gets human special qualities, actions, and human nature. In its place, if he gets animal milk so in him there will be habits of goat, cows and buffaloes. In this duration, according to commands of Allah, there is no better milk than milk of mother. There is natural sugar in mother’s milk which is according to the need of children. In milk of buffalo, cow and goat is the same amount in packet milk which is of cow or buffalo only. In that factory the sugar is extra added but mothers put spoons filled with sugar in feeder, although there is no need of extra sugar. The sugar which is added is extra calories which the child cannot burn. If the child takes feeder 6 times in a day so he takes 6 to 12 spoons extra sugar. Sugar produces insects and diseases inside the body. Its example is this that on irritation of jaboonay to most children, mothers stop the sugar temporarily and put rasoot etc on the maq’ad of children. The effect of extra sugar gets upon the coming age of children, their physical weakness happens, the child is becoming victim of several kinds of physical diseases but the words are on the tongue of people that the meal of previous era used to be pure. That’s why there is still energy in old people. We have eaten impure and chemical one food. Where is such energy in us? When mothers habitual of round balls, toffees, cold drinks meaning of sugar which works as drug. The child becomes stubborn, wild, ill-mannered and disobedient. That’s why the child irritates mother in breaks. Mother gives money to get rid of him that go son, bring it. The child becomes happy as his place and mother on her place. The work is both become easy temporarily. In bottles, colorful balls, sour and sweat powder etc, these all chemicals argol acid and color etc is used. The colors of food are expensive. In their place, very cheap colors which are for coloring cloths, they are used. Then they are prepared in very dirty environment. This is the matter of sorrow that the parents who are benevolent of their children, they are themselves doing it unconsciously. Kindly do pity over your children. Make coming generations safe from the addiction of sugar. Don’t use extra sugar in milk of feeder. You will give which taste to child; he will become habitual of it. If a person is involved in sugar disease so prevention from everything starts. Meaning a person can remain alive without sugar so start this prevention from first day. 80% in pack juice there is only chemical. In it there is sugar, color and taste. There is no juice of flowers at all. If it is there, then also to make it preserved, many kinds of chemicals and extra sugar is added. Apart from this, in all houses, the use of biryani spices, chaat spices, fish spices, qorma spices, etc are common for taste in food. This is only chemical. 30 years before today, mothers use to make eat rasoot, chaksu, charaita, mnamoolia of neem so that the blood of child may be clean. The child used to be safe from the effect of sold and heat. Many diseases didn’t use to happen before. Were those mothers cruel? Will you do protection of your children or will make them habitual of addiction? (Syed Khalid Husain, Lahore)

Make the lunch box of children healthy:

When children go to school, so mostly mothers keep same things to eat and drink in one box and give it along them and mostly suggest while making the child hold this lunch box “See child, eat all these things. Don’t leave. If you will eat more so energy will come. Health will remain good.” Come! Let’s see that for keeping the health of child good, what shall be there in his lunch box. It is the suggestion of food experts that the food kept in lunch box there shall be 1/3 of roti, bread or starch things because from starch the body and mind both gets energy. The roti or bread is filled with iron and vitamin B and this is very beneficial for children above 5 years. The children younger than this don’t have much need of fiber. Therefore, for them, the roti without choker or white roti and bread is appropriate. Like adults, children should also eat at least 5 times fruits and vegetables in a day. Therefore, keep at least 1 or 2 fruits in appropriate amount in their lunch box. This appropriate amount will obviously be less than that among which is suggested to adults. The mothers who give sandwich to their children for school, they should take care of this thing that what is inside the sandwich. In this case, give importance to such things in which there is protein. Because from protein not only healthy uzlaat and baftay are made but the ability to pay attention in noon also remains proper due to them. For children, commonly 50gram of anu sort of meat or cheese piece of size of match box is appropriate. The children who don’t eat meat, for them one big spoon of made black eyed peas, pulse or one big spoon of dry nuts or one egg will be fine. This is one idea but actually the amount is dependent upon the hunger of child as well. How much the lipid is less in meat, it is that much good. Try more to keep fish in lunch box of child. The children shall be given milk or things made with milk twice or thrice in a day. From this the physical body will be strong. The tasty things like French fries, chocolates and biscuits are fine till one limit but don’t make them the part of everyday’s meal of children. Second thing is this that doesn’t keep such things in reach of children every time. Make children drink everyday 6 to 8 glasses of water for health of kidneys, skin, eyes and stomach. Keep the 200 till 250 ml of water bottle along with their lunch box. For the teeth of children, simple milk and water is best. But milk shake is also good and much calcium is gained from it. Although don’t keep soft cold drinks (cold drinks) in lunch box at all. (Maria Shakir, Rawalpindi)

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